Adrian Cub Scouts Challenges Community to a Derby Race

The Adrian Cub Scouts are challenging the community in a pinewood derby race. They would like everyone in the community to build a pinewood derby car and race it against the Cub Scouts.  The Adrian Girl Scouts have accepted the challenge and will also be building and racing cars. The car must weigh 5 oz. or less and fit on the track.  You can purchase a derby car kit at Center Sports in Worthington, Sioux Scout Shop in Sioux Falls or any business that carries licensed scouting supplies.

There will be a total of 4 races; the Cub Scouts will race to qualify for their district championship,  then the Girl Scouts will race, followed by the Community cars race. The 4th race will be the top 3 or so cars of each of the previous races and race for a final over-all winner. The Cub Scouts will have a weigh in and practice at on Monday, February 27th at 7pm at the Legion.  Everyone that wants to participate is welcome to bring their car, have it  weighed, and test it out on the track.  The race will take place on Saturday, March 4th at the Adrian Elementary School Gym with registration beginning at 11am and the race to start at 12pm.

There will be many other activities taking place during this event; The Ben Franklin Masonic Lodge from Luverne will be sponsoring a kids ID program, the Cub Scouts will have a raffle for popcorn and showcase some of their skills, there will also be a chance to sign up to be a Cub Scout if you know of someone who is interested in joining.  The Girl Scouts will also have a booth selling cookies.

If you would like more information please send an email to or text to 507-360-1844.

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