Adrian News 02-05-20

February is here! The Kansas City Chiefs are Super Bowl Champs and Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow, which indicates an early spring. This year, according to Live Science, meteorologists agree that an early spring is likely! But what does that really mean? We also have to note that according to an old wives tale, expect moisture 90 days after fog. If that is true, the end of April will be very wet! Guess we will just have to wait and see.
Sadness has once again hit our area hard.
Our deepest condolences to the families of Nan Hoffenkamp, Bob Lynn, Lawrence Loger, Hank Engels and LaVonne E. Klaassen. Blessed be their memory.
The Adrian Elementary 2nd grade class visited City Hall on Monday. They attended a mini City council meeting to learn about the function of the City Coouncil. They also had a couple of suggestions for improvements to Adrian. This week at AHS the students are celebrating Snow Week. Some of the fun activities for the week are: City vs Country day; College or team jersey day; White-out day and Winter were day and Drive your snowmobile to school day. Only in Minnesota! Have a great week AHS student and teachers!
In sports for the coming week: Feb 6th- BBB at home in Adrian against HLOF; Wrestling is in Luverne; the JR High bb program begins Conference tournaments. Feb. 7- Wrestling at Adrian; Jr High conference play continues. Feb. 8- the Speech team is in Minneota; One-act play Sections are at RedWood Valley; and BBB is rescheduled for 1/17 at home in Ellsworth against MLA-C. Feb. 10- BBB is at Minneota. Feb. 11- GBB is at Adrian against HBC, also a rescheduled game from 1/18.
Thought for the week: The story is told that Satan was going out of business. All his tools were offered for sale. They were attractively displayed on a table. What an array-hatred, envy, jealousy, deceit! One harm-less looking one, much worn, was priced higher than any of the others. “What is that tool?” Satan replied, “discouragement.” “Why is it so expensive?” Satan’s answer: “Because it is more useful to me than any of the others.”
Have a great week!

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