Ecumenical Mission Week update

On Thursday, February 28th, the Ecumenical Youth Ministry committee met to continue discussion on the Ecumenical Youth Mission Week.  It was brought to the committee’s attention that a large Group Workcamp mission trip was going to take place in Worthington, July 7-13.  This project will not only cover Worthington, but surrounding communities as well.  Due to possible duplication and shortage of projects, the committee decided to pare back the mission week to three days; June 17th, July 10th and August 14th.  We are still looking for youth from grades 6 through 12 as well as adults to volunteer their time to complete mission work in God’s name.

We are looking for projects someone needs done or help with, such as windows washed, a garage painted, simple landscaping (these are a few examples) things that supervised youth could complete.  We are encouraging people to look at this as an opportunity to help our community’s youth do something for others out of generosity, not for a pay check.  We plan on providing the materials to complete the job, as long as it’s not too expensive (remodeling, large landscape projects, etc.).  If you have something that would be a fit, please contact either Michele Wieneke: 507-227-6456 / or Shannon Reker: 507-329-0392 / youth and let them know you are interested. They will get you on the list.  It’s not too early to be thinking.

This venture will take all of us to come together in the name of Jesus to help someone in need. Remember you would be helping young people to serve others in the name of God.   Be the one to start the conversation in your family or with your friends.  Volunteer today.


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