Ellsworth News 10-11-17

THINK POSITIVE !!!   A gentleman told me on Sunday that we have had almost 9 inches or rain in the last two weeks.  Each inch of rain equals 12 inches of snow.  That would have been 108 inches of snow !!!!!  SMILE.

Sweer and Florence Arends are great-grandparents and Sharon is a great aunt.  Avery Ann was born on Saturday, October 7, 2017, to Jessie and Heather Postma, Valley Springs, SD.  Glen and Barb Arends, Lester,  IA are the grandparents.

Sympathy to the James (Jim) Taylor family. Jim died on Friday October 6, 2027 at the age of 93.  Blessed be the


Visitors this week with Jim Mulder was Harris Mulder, Rock Rapids, IA on Saturday and Carol Mulder rural Ellsworth.

Remember in your prayers this week. all the sick, the suffering, and pray for peace in the world.

Sweer, Florence and Sharon Arends were Sunday visitors with Keith and Marvella Klaashen of Sibley, IA. They helped Micah and Kayden Wilson celebrate their birthdays.  Also present was the boys mother,  Michele Klaashen.

The day started dreary and rainy but did warm up for the Fall Harvest and the PVM Volunteers Bake Sale.  Lots to see with many good ideas for Christmas.  Brenda Fenton does a great job of organizing the Fall Harvest each year.




OCT 11





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