Lismore News 11-13-19

The First Presbyterian Church of Lismore will hold it’s annual Soup and dessert dinner on Sunday, November 17th at the American Legion Hall in Lismore.  Serving begins at 11:00 a.m. until gone.  A free will donation will be accepted.  Guests may also participate in the cookie walk and auction.

It is a tradition for the area Catholic Daughters to hold a Mass for their deceased members each November.  Masses have been held in Lismore, Wilmont, and Adrian.  The three courts join together in Unity and Charity and celebrate with one Mass, which was held at Our Lady of Good Counsel on Thursday, November 7th.  Members from Court St. Bernard #886 of Lismore, Ct. Madonna #839, and Court Santa Maria #247 gathered to recite the names, remember, and pray for their sisters who have gone from this world.  Refreshments were served following the service. Thanks to the Chaplain of the three courts, Fr. Richard Colletti, for celebrating this special Mass with the Catholic Daughters.

Joyce Erdman enjoyed having her granddaughter, Jennifer Luettel of Mankato, spend the weekend with her.  They along with Joyce’s daughter, Pam Luettel of Adrian, and granddaughter Lindsay Meyeraan of Luverne, attended the Craft Show at the Fair Grounds in Sioux Falls on Friday afternoon. Saturday was opening day for deer hunting. Mark Luettel and his sons, Keith and Corey, and grandchildren Ainsley, Oliver, and Ian had a successful day. Sunday was Christmas cookie decorating day at the home of Pam and Mark Luettel of Adrian.  This is a tradition they all enjoy coming home for. The helpers included Joyce and Jennifer; Keith, Emily, Blake and Elliet Luettel of Minnetonka; Corey, Tara, Ainsley, Oliver, and Leo Luettel of Faribault; and Bruce, Lindsay, Ian, Aiden, and Ava Meyeraan of Luverne.  A busy and fun weekend for Joyce and her family!

Jackie Wieneke hosted the annual gathering of deer hunters for opening weekend. The guys grilled brats on Friday and Jackie served the customary cornbread and bowls of homemade chili on Saturday.  Attending were: Troy, Eric and Nate Wieneke, all of Slayton; Matthew Kirchner, Lismore; Scott Nath and his friend, Eric of Luverne; and Joe Hornstein of Adrian. Jackie  enjoys the company and continues to keep the tradition going that was started many years ago by her late husband Glenn.

Gary Lutmer of St. James was a weekend hunting guest in the home of her sister, Debby and Frank Wieneke.

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