Little Minnesota in World War II Program at Library

On April 1, 2019, at 1:00 p.m., the Adrian Branch Library will be hosting the program “Little Minnesota in World War II: The stories behind 142 heroes from Minnesota’s Littlest Towns,” based on a book by the same title.  The authors, Jill Johnson and Deane Johnson will be at the library to talk about their research and the writing of the book.

This is a summary of their project: “During World War II, a total of 165 men from Minnesota’s smallest towns gave their lives for our country. Several were awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Flying Cross, Silver Star, and Bronze Star. All received the award no one wanted: the Purple Heart. Most of their stories have never been told publicly.

The book honors the brave men from the smallest rural towns. From John Emery (who died December 7, 1941, on board the USS Arizona) to Herman Thelander (who was lost in the Bermuda Triangle, a mystery unsolved to this day), this unique book allows you to experience the war through personal accounts of the men and their families. With photos from the war, scans of actual letters, journal excerpts, and family memories, this one-of-a-kind book brings history to life and will make you feel prouder than ever to be a Minnesotan.

Little Minnesota in World War II tells the story of the men who died in the war in a heroic effort to defeat Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Emperor Hirohito.”

The authors will be at the Library on Monday, April 1, at 1:00 p.m., to talk about the project and subsequent book, tell stories as well as listen to stories about local experiences.  A light snack will be provided after the program and the authors will be happy to answer questions.  This program is FREE and open to the public.

This project was funded in part or in whole with money from the vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008, which dedicated funding to preserve Minnesota’s arts and cultural heritage.


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