Paver stone placed in memory of Danny Klein

On Monday, November 5th, a small gathering took place at Argonne Post 32 to place another paver in the memorial area in front of the post.  Steve Klein and his sister, Lois Hamilton, had spoken to Curtis Hendel about purchasing the paver several months ago.  After many messages and a nice job of editing everything they wanted to be written on the stone it was finally ready to find its new home.

Danny Klein had been inducted in to the United States Marine Corps during the Vietnam War.  He was seriously wounded in combat on August 25th, 1970, and was taken to the USS Sanctuary Hospital Ship for treatment.  Lance Corporal Daniel Klein passed away from these injuries on September 5th, 1970.

Steve and Lois asked that four of Danny’s classmates and one of his other close friends attend the placement.  Six other members of Argonne Post also were on hand as they carefully placed the paver in its new home.

This paver will lay with all the others as a fitting tribute to the only Gold Star Boy from the Vietnam War to come from Adrian.

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