Post 32 hosts Flag Disposal Ceremony

On Monday, September 14th Argonne Post 32 hosted the Nobles County Council and the 2020 Flag Disposal Ceremony.  Starting at 7:00 pm, the ceremony was held behind the Legion Post Home.

This is a yearly function that is hosted by Posts from Nobles County on a rotating basis.  It is intended to properly dispose of worn and otherwise unserviceable American Flags so that they are not merely thrown in the trash like common garbage.

All the Posts from Nobles County are invited to not only bring their unserviceable Flags, but also to participate in the ceremony and the actual disposal of the Flags.

Before actually disposing of the Flags, Legion members hold a ceremony to certify that all of the Flags to be disposed are no longer serviceable and also that they have been flown in honor of our nation and all it stands for.  Flags for disposal have either become worn, torn, tattered, faded or have been allowed to touch the ground.

After the certification the first Flags are lit on the rack and those in attendance are allowed to participate in laying the flags to be disposed over that rack for proper burning.

One might ask why the American Legion burning American Flags is proper when those that oppose our country, foreign and domestic, burning our Flag it is considered heresy.  It is very simple, the American Legion has a time-honored ceremony to properly certify and dispose of our nation’s greatest symbol and we do it for the right reason.  Those that throw an American Flag on the ground or burn it on a pole follow only the traditions of hatred and dishonor.

The members of Argonne Post 32 and the Nobles County Council would like to thank all of our citizens that take the time to bring your Flags to us for a proper disposal.  As veterans we see our Flag as more than just a piece of cloth, we see it as the symbol of our home that we served under and some fought and died under for all Americans.

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