Scholarship Dollars through the American Red Cross Bloodmobile

By Alan & Cindy Cox, Adrian Coordinators

We are working with students at Adrian High School to build scholarship dollars through the American Red Cross “Young Minds Change Lives Educational Scholarship Program.”  AHS students volunteered their time hanging posters, unloaded the Red Cross trucks, helped during the blood drive, and donated blood for the November blood drive and will be helping with the February drive as well.  The amount of the scholarship is based on the total number of units collected…not just the number of units from the students, but also from faculty, and community members.

 Anyone who is at least 17 years of age (16 with a signed parental consent form), weighs a minimum of 110 pounds, and is in good health is eligible to donate.  First time donors are always welcome!

Appointments can also be made by calling Alan or Cindy Cox at 483-2218 or evenings 483-2794. Walk-ins are also welcome during the bloodmobile.

Dorance McCarthy has been a faithful blood donor through the years and was recognized after his last donation for reaching the 10 gallon donation mark.  Donors like Dorance save lives.

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