Adrian News 11-7-18

The annual Veterans Day program will be held on Monday, November 12th at Adrian High School gymnasium beginning at 9:30 a.m.  The program will feature the color guards from Adrian and Lismore, musical selections, and readings.  Please come and honor our Veterans.

Darla and Tony Parlsey collected between 300 and 400 coats for Justice for All of Rock Valley, IA.  These coats will be given to people who request them.  They will be picked up at the end of the week.

Congratulations to Coach Brittany Jackson and the AHS Volleyball Team for an awesome season!  They are the first ever volleyball team to accomplish a 27-4 record.  Also congratulations to Brittany for being voted  3A South Subsection Volleyball Coach of Year.  We are so proud of you!

Halloween has come and gone for another year.  In some areas of town, the number of trick or treaters was way down, but for the Adrian Country Living Cottages there were plenty of ghouls and goblins visiting.  Each resident was given a plastic pumpkin with candy in it to hand out to the smiling faces.  It is nice to know that parents still teach kindness and respect!

Bev Aggen, a resident of Country Cottages celebrated her birthday with an open house.  Lots of family and friends came to help her celebrate.  To finish off a great day for Bev, her family took her out to dinner at the Countryside Inn.  Happy birthday Bev.

Remember that there will be businesses closed on Monday, Nov. 12 to honor our Veterans.

Won’t it be nice not to have to listen to all of the campaign commercials.  Now Christmas will start!  You can already watch Christmas feel-goods on the Hallmark channels.

Way to go Vikings!  It was a good game.

Joyce Broesder was a visitor with Kay Cox.  Kay is always so grateful to Joyce for all of the help she has provided!

The fall edition of SHARE magazine had pictures of Lorna and Lynette Domeyer, two local Catholic Daughters officers.  It’s nice to see local people celebrated!

August 31 through Sept. 2 Magnolia hosted an all-school reunion.  The three day event was featured in the October edition of the Luverne Alumni Newsletter.  It was reported that it was a great celebration, with many memories revisited.  Dallas Bowron, class of 1932, was the Grand Marshall for the parade.  He is 104 years old and was driven by his son John (class of 1964).  There were a lot of classes represented and a great time was had by all that attended.

On Thursday, Nov. 8th at the Senior Dining Center, they will have Bingo and Tuesday, Nov 13, there will be cards.  Make sure to get your reservations in the day before.

Thought for the week: Take care!  Life is not defined by what you have.  Possessions are neither good nor bad…it’s our attitude toward them that matters.

Have a great week!

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