Jottings by Jerry 10-30-19

Halloween brings on the cold for the season. There were some years I remember the weather was pleasant with the rustle of leaves. But it seems like there are very few of them lately. The week ahead holds cold days as the seasons change. The harvest continues between rains. The beans are over 50% harvested and held back by the damp weather. We are looking at a dry week, that will make a big difference. Some of the corn is out and again with night time temperatures in the teens things will move forward.

The fall hunting season is in full swing with deer hunting starting next weekend. Pheasant hunting is in full swing with fair results and duck hunting has seen good numbers. This past weekend I joined a group of friends in Little Falls for two days at the Rice Creek Game Reserve. It was a good time with both sporting clays and pheasant hunting.

My costume for Halloween this year will be similar to past years but with a better lifelike presentation. I will be dressed like a Old Man. I have been practicing my character and have achieved believable results. The aches and pains look believably real. Practice, practice and more practice pays off with fantastic results.



My Old Aunt Says

I finally figured out why I

Look so bad in pictures.

It’s my face.


Have a good week!

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